Tag: 2024 lnquiry

The lego story


One day a guy got hunted down by bad men and they were kidnappers. He was really scared of them and they made him drink a poisoned looking drink. The drink made him faint because it was poison !!! He was just an innocent guy who wanted to lose some weight while walking. He was almost going to fall asleep because of how long he had been in there. It had now been a day and twenty-four hours since he had been in there. Since one day he had been starving but then the bad guys came back with an alive chicken on a plate and they told him ,eat it,He didn’t want to be rude and eat a real chicken so when they left he tried escaping to let the bird free and also him. That’s when he saw that when the bad guys came in they dropped the key out of there pocket. So he grabbed the key with his long arms and he…He escaped but the bad guys were at the bottom of the path and he wouldn’t be able to run away so he only let the chiken escape so he could think of a plan piece and quietly. He thought of going the other way on the mountain and he thought that it was the best way because he did not have any other ideas. He started to roll down the mountain getting dizzy so he stopped and decided to use the mountain as a slide. As he got to the end he saw that the neighborhood he ended up in a familiar neighborhood. Turns out he didn’t faint of the poison he got brainwashed. The neighborhood he was in was two blocks away. Luckly he had a safe trip home.